Branding is your name, logo, colors, typography, and content—it is everything in one.
What impression do you want someone to take away when they see you, your company, your project, or your product? How do you want them to feel? A creative logo is wonderful, and trust us, we loooove a good logo, but if there is nothing behind it, then that creative logo is just that: a creative piece of art.
What if you bought a book based on the cover design, fonts, and title, but when you opened it, there was nothing inside?
Your brand should tell a story—from the name and logo on the front all the way through to the content you put out in printed collateral and social media. Your brand is the “tell us more”. The “…and?”
So, when telling us your story, if we ask “and” a little too much, hang in there. We are a team of creatives eager to learn every detail about your business, your adventure.